Die Cloud-Einführung richtig planen: Mit dem Azure Governance Workshop entsteht anhand Ihrer Anforderungen ein fundiertes Cloud-Konzept. Zur Prüfung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und der Einhaltung von Compliance-Regeln analysieren dabei Experten Ihre Anforderungen. Erfahren Sie im Detail, wie wir dabei vorgehen und Ihnen mit der Modernisierung Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur helfen können. Kostenlos zum Webinar anmelden:
Schlagwort: Free
With Halloween only a few days away, this year Altaro gathered SysAdmins’ funniest and most horrifying stories into one eBook, especially for you.
We all know that a SysAdmin’s job is no easy task and apart from constantly having systems to update, bugs to fix and users to please, SysAdmins encounter all sorts of situations throughout their careers. From tech situations to funny anecdotes, terrible mishaps or incidents with colleagues, this eBook includes real stories of what SysAdmins go through on a daily basis.
The eBook is very easy to download as no registration is required. Click on Download and it’s yours. It includes more than 25 short stories but this one is our personal favourite 😊.
Schreibe einen Kommentar...Mir stellt sich im Administrations-Alltag immer wieder die Frage, welcher unserer Hyper-V-Hosts derzeit am besten für eine neue VM geeignet ist (Nein, wir verwenden leider kein VMM…). Anstatt aber dabei jedes Mal jeden Host hinsichtlich seiner freien Ressourcen “abzuklappern”, habe ich mir ein entsprechendes PowerShell-Skript geschrieben, was eine passende Function bereithält. Ihr könnt das Skript gerne für eure Zwecke anpassen oder direkt so übernehmen.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | $AllHyperVHosts = "HostNr1","HostNr2","HostNr3" function Get-HyperVHostInfo([string]$HyperVHost) { $vCores = ((Get-VM -ComputerName $HyperVHost).ProcessorCount | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum $Property = "numberOfCores", "NumberOfLogicalProcessors" $CPUs = Get-Ciminstance -class Win32_Processor -Property $Property -ComputerName $HyperVHost| Select-Object -Property $Property $Cores = ($CPUs.numberOfCores | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum $logCores = ($CPUs.NumberOfLogicalProcessors | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum $os = Get-Ciminstance Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $HyperVHost $MemFreePct = [math]::Round(($os.FreePhysicalMemory/$os.TotalVisibleMemorySize)*100,2) $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $object | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name PhysicalCores –Value $Cores $object | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name LogicalCores –Value $logCores $object | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name VirtualCores –Value $vCores $object | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name MemTotalGB -Value ([int]($os.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1mb)) $object | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name MemFreeGB -Value ([math]::Round($os.FreePhysicalMemory/1mb,2)) $object | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name MemFreePct -Value $MemFreePct Return $object } ForEach($OneHost in $AllHyperVHosts) { $HostData = Get-HyperVHostInfo -HyperVHost $OneHost Write-Host "$OneHost has $($Hostdata.PhysicalCores) physical cores, $($Hostdata.LogicalCores) logical cores and $($Hostdata.VirtualCores) virtual cores are used in all VMs overall." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "The Core:vCore ratio is `t`t1:$([math]::Round(($Hostdata.VirtualCores) / ($Hostdata.PhysicalCores),2))" Write-Host "The Log.Core:vCore ratio is `t1:$([math]::Round(($Hostdata.VirtualCores) / ($Hostdata.LogicalCores),2))" Write-Host "The system has $($Hostdata.MemFreeGB)GB of free memory and $($Hostdata.MemTotalGB)GB memory at all, which is $($Hostdata.MemFreePct)% free" Write-Host "" } Write-Host "The conservative approach for logical cores is `t1:8 " |
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